Thursday, November 6, 2008

Why ??

Hi folks !!

This blog is my journey to the dreamland.
Almost every night I have some dreams, of them I remember some and some I dont.
Some are crazy and worth mentioning, some are just timepass.

I believe dreams have some meaning or message attached to it. One of my very good friend commented once on my dream "Mukesh, I just love how dreams give us direction or open up doors that had been closed to us before. Your dream is extremely power, even for me to read. Some people say dreams are the subconscious, and reveal parallels or what you actually desire."

In one of the movies I watched recently and also one of ma favourite - "Science of Sleep", it shows beautiful and creative dreams..made out of mixture of the days events. Mine would also be creative as far as the last few which I remember, and condition applied if i can express them perfectly. Hope u guys bear with me.

Caution : read at your own risk, some of these might have no logic !!!!

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